Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) | Centrica Business Solutions
Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
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Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)

Install a solar PV system to generate energy savings or create an additional revenue stream with no upfront investment

Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) can deliver efficient solar power and generate immediate savings for your business. This commercial solar panel financing option is ideal for organizations looking to reap the many benefits of installing a solar photovoltaic (PV) system on their site. The PPA requires no upfront investment and no solar PV system ownership responsibilities – Centrica Business Solutions is responsible for any maintenance needed for the solar PV system and for removing the system at the end of the contract. We offer behind-the-meter and front-of-the-meter solutions.

PPA Structure

Behind the Meter
Solar is a reliable energy source that can reduce your facilities' operating costs by providing immediate energy savings and protection from increases in utility pricing. With a Behind-the-Meter PPA, Centrica Business Solutions installs a solar PV system on your site. You pay for the electricity the system generates at a discounted kWh price for the contract term, allowing your organization to install solar without any capital investment.

Front of the Meter 
Monetizing unused space like a roof, parking lot, or empty land benefits organizations looking to maximize their energy strategy. With a Front-of-the-Meter PPA, Centrica Business Solutions installs a solar system on your site and pays you a lease payment over the life of the project for the use of your property, creating an additional revenue stream for your business. Centrica Business Solutions owns, utilizes, and maintains the system, then sells the electricity generated by the system to the utility grid. 

PPA Behind the Meter and Front of the Meter Structure
What is the average payback period of a solar PV installation?