Leveraging tax incentives to implement clean energy projects | Centrica Business Solutions
Leveraging Tax Credits to Implement Clean Energy Projects
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Leveraging tax incentives to implement clean energy projects

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How non-taxable organizations can maximize the benefits of federal tax credits and deductions available through new provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act

In this tax incentive guide, we explore the recent updates to the Investment Tax Credit, Production Tax Credit, and Energy Efficient Commercial Building Deduction under the Inflation Reduction Act.

High-level contents include:

  • Who is eligible for tax incentives
  • What technology qualifies
  • How entities can maximize these benefits 

This paper has been written specifically for non-taxable organizations that are considering the implementation of a clean energy project.

If you have any questions or if you would like help starting your journey, please contact us: centricabusinesssolutions.na@centrica.com