Improve sustainability and reduce energy costs with a commercial solar PPA
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Improve sustainability and reduce energy costs with a commercial solar PPA

Learn how installing a commercial solar PV system and funding it with a PPA can deliver long-term energy cost control and clean energy generation on-site.

Cash flow has never been more important for organisations, and many are looking for ways to improve financial performance whilst still being good social and environmental stewards.

Renewable energy technologies like commercial solar can provide organisations with a way to reduce energy costs during turbulent times without losing sight of their sustainability ambitions and carbon reduction goals. Unlike many other investments, solar pays back regardless of what interest rates are or how the stock market performs ­– and it is a 100% renewable resource that is not only the right thing to do financially, but socially as well.

Renewable energy technologies like solar are edging out fossil fuel consumption in Britain and transforming the nation’s energy infrastructure into one that is focused on a lower-carbon future. In fact, midnight on June 10 marks a significant milestone for the nation – it will have gone two months without burning any coal to generate power.

By harnessing clean electricity from the sun with a solar photovoltaic (PV) system installed on-site, organisations can generate efficient, clean energy and reduce their consumption from the grid – lowering their cost of electricity whilst making a positive contribution to the climate crisis, as solar PV technology doesn’t emit CO2 or other harmful greenhouse gases.

Solar enables organisations to lock in a predictable energy rate for the lifetime of the PV system. The sun is efficient and reliable – it rises every day and delivers a consistent source of power. By running business operations on an efficient source of energy at a predictable rate that is lower than the cost of the grid, organisations can better forecast energy spend and operating expenses.

With May of 2020 being the sunniest month since records began, now is a great time to consider solar for your organisation. If you own your property (or are a long-lease tenant) and have at least 5,000 square meters of land available or 2,500 square meters of rooftop, installing a solar PV system is a great way to monetise these spaces by transforming them into sources of on-site generation, enabling you to reinvest energy savings into other parts of your business.

Overcoming barriers to investment with a PPA

There is a general assumption that installing renewable energy technologies like solar will be too cost prohibitive. However, a lack of capital is not a barrier to accessing renewable energy opportunities like solar – a range of innovative financing methods can help to overcome these investment barriers.

During these uncertain times, organisations can preserve capital and simply finance a solar PV system with a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). This innovative financing option is ideal for organisations that don’t have the capacity for an initial capital outlay but want to realise the benefits of solar through energy cost savings and a lower carbon footprint.

This financing arrangement provides a mechanism for organisations to reduce energy costs and boost profitability with solar, but there is no capital investment, no PV system ownership responsibilities, and no ongoing operating or maintenance expenses – minimising risk and offering peace of mind. Organisations that select this option simply pay for the power that their solar PV system generates at a fixed price/kWh rate, offering long-term energy cost control at a price below that of grid electricity.

Choosing the right commercial solar installer is important

Selecting a commercial solar installer that designs and installs high-quality solar PV systems is critical to ensuring maximum performance from your installation, regardless of what financing method you choose.

At Centrica Business Solutions, we support you on every step of your journey, from understanding your energy goals to optimising your solar PV system. Every system is customised to your specific business needs in order to maximise energy production and deliver energy savings. Our highest quality technology offerings, experienced project management, and professional engineering and design ensure a worry-free investment.

Our team can walk you through available options and help you navigate this opportunity for your business.

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